I can’t tell you how many bad boyfriends I’ve had throughout my adult life. UK men are a strange breed, that’s for sure, and all my bad boyfriends have made my kind of cynical when it comes to finding love in my community. That’s why I turned to online dating and adult cam sites. Not only are they safe spaces to explore the options in my area, but the guys on these adult cam sites are pretty hot, and usually pretty nice. Sure I’ve had some dates with guys that are actually pretty mean and not nearly as attractive as they seem online. And yea I’ve had some bad boyfriends that I found from online dating – but overall, online dating has helped me break up with so many bad boyfriends over the years. If you are in a relationship with a bad boyfriend, and you still trying to figure out how to break up with him, then I assure you that adult cam sites are the way to go!
Online Dating
I had a boyfriend that just stopped being attracted to me. For months and months he kept me around just because he could, even though he did nothing for the relationship to make me feel attractive. My solution? I turned to online dating, where I found hundreds of men in my area of the UK that seemed interested, attractive, and laid back. I was sick of arguing and trying to change my boyfriend. He was never going to change. What I found on online dating was a bunch of laid back guys who I could have casual sex with whenever it worked for me. There was no expectation on their behalf, and I did not feel the urge to share my whole life with them.
What it did provide me was a reason to break up with my boyfriend. I explained to him that I had met someone else, and that I was breaking up with him. He immediately felt his ego fall down into his stomach when I mentioned that I met someone else. If I had just said that I wanted to break up with him he probably would have convinced me not to. This way, by saying I had someone else I was attracted to, he really backed off and got self-conscious. Of course there was no one person that I was attracted to – I just used online dating as an alibi to break up with a bad boyfriend.
Since that time I have gone on some great dates and had some wild and beautiful times with men that treated me well and did not expect anything in return. Bad boyfriends usually do expect a lot in return. They expect to have their meals cooked for them, their laundry done, and even some of their dinners paid for. With the casual men I met online, they all paid for themselves and did not even want to see me again! I know that might sound weird, but I really enjoyed just having a casual hook up after being with a bad boyfriend for so long.
Adult Cam Sites
Adult cam sites are even better tools to use if you need to break up with a bad boyfriend. The adult cam site I use matches us up based on hobbies and interests, so not only are there a bunch of hot guys in my region of the UK, but they actually like to do the same things I do! As you can imagine, I used adult cam sites to meet new boyfriend material to replace the bad boyfriend I had. This is the same bad boyfriend I was dealing with before, a guy who shared no interests with me other than sex, but kept trying to get back with me even after I broke up with him once. I found his actions to be pretty emotionally abusive, so I knew that I had to find another man to replace him with.
I signed up for an adult cam site and began exploring the options in my area. Within weeks I found a nice guy who shared a lot of my hobbies. We began video chatting when I was alone in my room, and he seemed just perfect for me. So what did I do? I told my bad boyfriend that he had to move out, and began going on real dates with these other guy I met from an online cam site. The best part about this story is that we are still together!